The following is the introduction to MindMeld: CEO & AI Merging of Mental & Metal book available now via iBooks – Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac.

Book Review – “As the CEO of a energy industrial company and actively involved in CEO Leadership Forums I have been following AI for more than a decade.  Indeed the promises for improving many technical tasks are interesting yet in reality often prove more complex to manage than proposed.  MindMeld was very profound in proposing that AI starts not at the bottom of the organization but with CXO decision-making and worth reading by anyone in or rising to the boardroom.” George B.

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Book Introduction

This book MindMeld: the CEO and AI is meant to plant the seeds of knowledge about a young but growing new field. In the pursuit of this new technology, it is important to remember that technology accelerates faster and faster while increasing humanism cannot be denied.

No matter who you are or what you do, MindMeld: CEO and AI is a book you must read to understand the vast technological advancements coming your way—advancements that will impact how you do business… how you make decisions… how you communicate… how you live. It’s your personal guided tour into the latest trends, issues, problems, challenges, and promise of our technological past, present, and future. Beyond mere theory and speculation, you’ll see firsthand the very real developments in Knowledge Technology Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Visualization Knowledge Networking Systems.

Link to Full Article: Read Here

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