As I read many of the kernels from the survey data set I started to wonder how similar and how different am I to the average data scientist? The biggest difference is that I am 15, this is far from the average from this survey. Obviously I am a student. Like a large percentage of the respondent I am a male, …

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As I read many of the kernels from the survey data set I started to wonder how similar and how different am I to the average data scientist? The biggest difference is that I am 15, this is far from the average from this survey. Obviously I am a student. Like a large percentage of the respondent I am a male, …

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A Forecasting Scheme Based On The Sequence of Primes (Version 2). ISSN 1751-3030 Comments (0). Sort by. Hotness. Please sign in to leave a comment. © 2017 Kaggle Inc. Our Team Terms Privacy Contact/Support.

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A Forecasting Scheme Based On The Sequence of Primes (Version 2). ISSN 1751-3030 Comments (0). Sort by. Hotness. Please sign in to leave a comment. © 2017 Kaggle Inc. Our Team Terms Privacy Contact/Support.

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Yesterday I launched the second post of a new Data Science blog, where I'm open-sourcing every resource I find and insight I come across in pursuit …

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Yesterday I launched the second post of a new Data Science blog, where I'm open-sourcing every resource I find and insight I come across in pursuit …

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Big data, Data Science and Predictive are the current buzzing stuffs and it doesn't matter which place you are referring to, it's everywhere. There are …

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Big data, Data Science and Predictive are the current buzzing stuffs and it doesn't matter which place you are referring to, it's everywhere. There are …

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In some notebooks, I don't see the hide buttons (that toggles on or off the code cells), as for example in this one. Does the problem come from my side …

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In some notebooks, I don't see the hide buttons (that toggles on or off the code cells), as for example in this one. Does the problem come from my side …

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I want to team up with a student from India currently pursuing his graduation, for a competition held by my University and sponsored by SAS. Please …

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Hello,. I am looking to learn various type of models and I want to begin with Naives Bayes. I watched a few tutorials and it appears Naives Bayes is …

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Hi Everyone,. I just started the data science graduate program at Regis University in Denver, CO. I wanted to see if anyone in my cohort ended up here …

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Hi Everyone,. I just started the data science graduate program at Regis University in Denver, CO. I wanted to see if anyone in my cohort ended up here …

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Hi everyone, I used to input the CSV files from the dataset using '../input.. and then the filename such as FTHT6 = pd.read_csv('../input/FT_HT6.csv') …

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Hi everyone, I used to input the CSV files from the dataset using '../input.. and then the filename such as FTHT6 = pd.read_csv('../input/FT_HT6.csv') …

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Tried to use: pip install fbprophet but failed. Would anyone help to provide some guidelines? Thank you! Comments (0). Sort by. Hotness. Please sign …

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Tried to use: pip install fbprophet but failed. Would anyone help to provide some guidelines? Thank you! Comments (0). Sort by. Hotness. Please sign …

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Hi Kagglers,. Try to gather a thread of list to keep up with the data science news on the go, sort of filling in small chuck of time break during the day.

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I've searched about feature selection and found this. They explain about three kinds of features selection method : filter, wrapper, embedded. In filter …

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We don’t know how to make software that learns without explicit… 0 views Interest Uncategorized 1Likes 0Comments 0Lists Nothing to see here. Stumble on!

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