7 trends for artificial intelligence in 2016: ‘Like 2015 on steroids’

Image: iStockphoto.comIssam Khriji We’ve seen startling moves in artificial intelligence in 2015. Robots are doing the grunt work in factories. Driverless cars have become a reality. WiFi-enabled Barbie uses speech-recognition to talk (and listen) to children. Companies are using AI to improve their product and increase sales. AI saw significant advances in machine learning. To get a handle on what to look for in the AI world, TechRepublic caught up with Andrew Moore, dean of Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science, Kathleen Richardson, Senior Research Fellow in the Ethics of Robotics at De Montfort University, and Roman Yampolskiy, director of the Cybersecurity Lab at the University of Louisville for what they see as the most important areas of AI research in the year ahead—what Yampolskiy says will be “like 2015…

Link to Full Article: 7 trends for artificial intelligence in 2016: ‘Like 2015 on steroids’

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