A Flaw In Turing’s Test? No A Flaw In Academia

There is a flaw in the Turing test. An AI agent that pleads the 5th can, by remaining silent, convince a judge that it is human and hence pass the test… If you are not rolling on the flaw laughing then you are being impressed by specious argument masquerading as something of academic importance.  I kid you not. Mainstream academic institutions have been taken in by this argument, the ACM for example, and a paper has been published in a supposedly academic journal: “Taking the fifth amendment in Turing’s imitation game” Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. But in the words of John McEnroe; “you CANNOT be serious” The “you” in this case refers to Kevin Warwick and Huma Shah. Dr Warwick has a reputation for “over hyping” the Turing test…

Link to Full Article: A Flaw In Turing’s Test? No A Flaw In Academia

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