A List Of The Worst Things An ‘Evil’ Artificial Intelligence Could Do

Artificial Intelligence From Tony Stark’s Jarvis to Apple’s Siri, artificial intelligence (AI) is ubiquitous in fiction and real life. Albeit with different levels of skill, AI is supposedly built to maximize chances of reaching a goal, therefore supporting humans. But what would happen if robots, AI systems, and humanoids went rogue? For computer scientist Roman Yampolskiy, the possibilities are endless. Together with hacktivist Federico Pistono, Yampolskiy preemptively brainstormed a set of worst-case scenarios for a deliberately malevolent AI. Partially funded by SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, Yampolskiy and Pistono’s study is conducted for the same reason that DARPA asked techies to turn household items into weapons. The duo believes it’s much better to identify the threat now through research than to adapt to it later when it has become an aggressive attack. This…

Link to Full Article: A List Of The Worst Things An ‘Evil’ Artificial Intelligence Could Do

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