A robot is about to take over my job; then he’s coming after yours

As a formal student of history and an impassionate observer of technology I’m very aware of how clichéd ideas and timely panics cycle through our societies. Especially when those ideas stand in opposition to technological progress. I’m used to hearing, and quickly dismissing, fears related to our ongoing developments, especially when they come without factual basis or understanding of the underlying societal and technological aspects implicated. So keep all of that in mind when I tell you that I’m terrified of the future. Why? Because I’m about to be fired and replaced by a robot. And you are too. Yes, I’m afraid I’ve fallen off the bandwagon once again, knocked my head, and started to agree with some of the pundits you’re hearing in the press. While I sense most…

Link to Full Article: A robot is about to take over my job; then he’s coming after yours

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