Agile in Data Science: ensuring Assurance Scoring answers the ‘ask’

The move towards ‘digital by default’ in public services has led to an increase in the number of digital end-to-end solutions and, with these, opportunities to integrate insight and efficiencies from data science into the processes. For instance, the systems that sit behind the online application process, automated risk assessment and decision on credit card applications have obvious equivalents in public sector application processes – and these stand to benefit considerably from the Assurance Scoring methods that my colleagues have introduced in previous blogs in this series.  In this blog I’d like to focus on the absolute need to tailor each application of these techniques to the individual use case and how we begin to do this in an Agile way – because the mere application of these methods is not a…

Link to Full Article: Agile in Data Science: ensuring Assurance Scoring answers the ‘ask’

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