AI and Transhumanism: Could Quest for Super-intelligence and Eternal Life Lead to a Dystopian …

This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. The rapid development of so-called NBIC technologies—nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science—are giving rise to possibilities that have long been the domain of science fiction. Disease, aging and even death are all human realities that these technologies seek to end. They may enable us to enjoy greater “morphological freedom”—we could take on new forms through prosthetics or genetic engineering. Or advance our cognitive capacities. We could use brain-computer interfaces to link us to advanced artificial intelligence (AI). Daily Emails and Alerts – Get the best of Newsweek delivered to your inbox Nanobots could roam our bloodstream to monitor our health and enhance our emotional propensities for joy, love or other emotions. Advances in one area often raise new possibilities in others, and this “convergence” may bring about radical changes to our world in the near-future. “Transhumanism” is the idea that humans should transcend their current natural state and limitations through the use of technology—that we should embrace self-directed human evolution. If the history of technological progress can be seen as humankind’s attempt to tame nature to better serve its needs, transhumanism is the logical continuation: the revision…

Link to Full Article: AI and Transhumanism: Could Quest for Super-intelligence and Eternal Life Lead to a Dystopian …

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