AI chatbot to give human touch to e-commerce

By Sangeeta Bora Published: 15th August 2016 04:12 AM Last Updated: 15th August 2016 04:12 AM BENGALURU: Customer engagement plays an important part in traditional retail outlets which seems to be missing among the plethora of e-commerce portals. To resolve this, a bunch of young entrepreneurs have come up with an Artificial Intelligence-driven sales chatbot which engages customers with a human touch. And the good news is that it’s live and will provide round-the-clock hands-on solutions and technical support. Navneet Gupta, Chief Technical Officer of said, “Marvin – an AI-driven Chatbot from engages a website’s visitors intelligently. We understand that customer engagement is of utmost priority for any business and we have designed it to not only intelligently engage with the customer but also make the conversations fruitful…

Link to Full Article: AI chatbot to give human touch to e-commerce

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