AI data-monopoly risks to be probed by UK parliamentarians

The UK’s upper house of parliament is asking for contributions to an enquiry into the socioeconomic and ethical impacts of artificial intelligence technology.Among the questions the House of Lords committee will consider as part of the enquiry are: Is the current level of excitement surrounding artificial intelligence warranted? How can the general public best be prepared for more widespread use of artificial intelligence? Who in society is gaining the most from the development and use of artificial intelligence? Who is gaining the least? Should the public’s understanding of, and engagement with, artificial intelligence be improved? What are the key industry sectors that stand to benefit from the development and use of artificial intelligence? How can the data-based monopolies of some large corporations, and the ‘winner-takes-all’ economics associated with them, be addressed? What are the ethical implications of the development and use of artificial intelligence? In what situations is a relative lack of transparency in artificial intelligence systems (so-called ‘black boxing’) acceptable? What role should the government take in the development and use of artificial intelligence in the UK? Should artificial intelligence be regulated? The committee says it is looking for “pragmatic solutions to the issues presented, and questions raised by…

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