Alexa, How Can Government Adopt Artificial Intelligence Faster?

Dave Egts is chief technologist, North America public sector at Red Hat. Artificial intelligence showed a lot of promise decades ago when many thought expert systems and fuzzy logic would be used everywhere. Unfortunately, that didn’t quite come to fruition, largely because the concepts were ahead of their time. Today, AI is a reality. We use it at home (the aforementioned Alexa, or Apple’s Siri) and at work (so-called smart machines that do everything from monitoring social media traffic to providing second opinions for cancer treatments). This proliferation is thanks to complementary enabling big data analysis, exa-scale storage, and cloud technologies that cost effectively assist AI algorithms with highly scalable methods to quickly access and analyze massive data sets. As AI technologies become more and more popular, startups are getting acquired…

Link to Full Article: Alexa, How Can Government Adopt Artificial Intelligence Faster?

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