Altruism increases after you cross 45

IANS  |  New York  August 16, 2016 Last Updated at 12:52 IST Copy tiny URL to save and share articles. Combining insights from psychology, behavioural economics and neuroscience, researchers, including one of Indian-origin, have discovered that pure altruism increases with age, especially after the age of 45. General benevolence is more strongly expressed in the second half of the life span, the researchers found. “It (the research) gives us a deeper look at the people who give to charity and altruistically contribute to society,” said study co-author Sanjay Srivastava, Professor of Psychology at University of Oregon in the US. People may give to charity for numerous non-altruistic reasons, such as showing off their generosity to others. To isolate pure altruism from other motivations, the researchers combined methods from the…

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