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HomeAdvisor is the nation’s largest digital marketplace for local screened home professionals. HomeAdvisor has connected more than 30 million homeowners to the company’s network of over 100,000 home service and improvement professionals in more than 500 categories. HomeAdvisor offers homeowners a comprehensive suite of tools, products and services such as ProFinder, Pro Reviews, True Cost Guide, Instant Booking, and DesignMine. Access to all of the site’s features is free to homeowners, with no membership fees. The company recently purchased a majority stake in field service management company, mHelpDesk, located in Fairfax, Virginia. HomeAdvisor operates internationally and has over 1,600 employees between its headquarters in Golden, Colo., and offices in Lenexa, Kan., New York, NY, Colorado Springs, Colo., Evanston, Ill. and Fairfax, Va. HomeAdvisor is an operating business of IAC/InterActiveCorp, a Fortune 500 company (NASDAQ: IACI). In 2015,…

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