Announcing 1-Click Reification for Complex Machine Learning Workflows

Tags scriptify, workflow automation Scriptify: 1-Click Reification of Complex Machine Learning Workflows by martinprats on August 12, 2016 Real world Machine Learning is not just about the application of an algorithm to a dataset but a workflow, which involves a sequence of steps such as adding new features, sampling, removing anomalies, applying a few algorithms in cascade, and stacking a few others. The exact steps are often arrived at during iterative experiments performed by the practitioner. In other words, when it comes to the real life Machine Learning process, not everything is as automatic as various business media may make you believe. Usually, one starts by playing around a bit with the data to assess its quality and to get more familiar with it. Then, a significant amount of time is spent in feature…

Link to Full Article: Announcing 1-Click Reification for Complex Machine Learning Workflows

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