Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem | Abhishek Thakur

Abhishek Thakur, a Kaggle Grandmaster, originally published this post here on July 18th, 2016 and kindly gave us permission to cross-post on No Free Hunch An average data scientist deals with loads of data daily. Some say over 60-70% time is spent in data cleaning, munging and bringing data to a suitable format such that machine learning models can be applied on that data. This post focuses on the second part, i.e., applying machine learning models, including the preprocessing steps. The pipelines discussed in this post come as a result of over a hundred machine learning competitions that I’ve taken part in. It must be noted that the discussion here is very general but very useful and there can also be very complicated methods which exist and are practised by…

Link to Full Article: Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem | Abhishek Thakur

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