Artificial Intelligence: 3 things marketers should know

There’s been an explosion of chatbots on Facebook messenger over the last 12 months, but the majority of these rely on scripted conversations rather than Natural Language Processing. This means they answer your question with a canned response, or guide you through a pre-set decision tree, rather than genuinely understanding what you say, or responding with true ‘intelligence’. On the day, the team behind Just Eat’s popular Facebook bot explained how it was built. The process began, as all good processes do, with a spreadsheet. This listed out every plausible question a user might ask, remark they might make, or sweary insult they might type in shouty capital letters. The team then wrote a canned response for each. The bot works well, and has a sense of personality (tell it to F off, and it’ll tell you that you’re just hangry), but it clearly took a lot of manual work to create. Other bots presented on the day relied on the user clicking yes or no to a series of questions, without having the ability to input free text. So while this breed of bots are undoubtedly useful, they’re not truly examples of ‘artificial intelligence’. 2. Man and machine, not…

Link to Full Article: Artificial Intelligence: 3 things marketers should know

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