Artificial intelligence: Bangladesh’s predicament

Imtiaz A. HussainWe no longer have to wait with baited breath or scrounge every nook and corner for any artificial intelligence (AI) scent: it is already in the works, though in fits and starts. For some it is in the smartphone, for others in a variety of everyday Internet programs. This should not be surprising as the centennial anniversary of the robot, which coincides with our 50th independence anniversary, 2021, approaches. Karol Capek, who created something like it, called that contraption ‘an artificial person’. In his native Czech language, ‘robot’ means ‘forced labour’. At a time when our own ready-made garment workers have often been called just that, it is important to reassess the robot’s role in a country like ours. How it stands today as the symbol and epitome of the highest scientific knowledge is a cruel play on those forced workers, whom they are designed to replace. Who would have believed we would have to wait this long for both AI and robot dissemination to take place? George B. Devol built the first formal robot, Unimate (for ‘universal automation’), in bucolic Kentucky in 1954, then sold it to General Motors in 1961 to manoeuvre hot metals from die-casting…

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