Artificial Intelligence in education—imagining and building tomorrow’s cyber learning platform today

The NYU-X Holodeck, the first Experiential Super Computer effort, integrated virtual, acoustic, physical, robotic, physiological, co-located, and distributed individual and team experiences into an advanced education, research, and innovation instrument–concept drawing credit: the authors In the late 1960s, urban planners Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber began formulating the concept of “wicked problems” or “wicked challenges” —problems so vexing in the realm of social and organizational planning that they could not be successfully ameliorated with traditional linear, analytical, systems-engineering types of approaches. These “wicked challenges” are poorly defined, abstruse, and connected to strong moral, political and professional issues. Some examples might include: “How should we deal with crime and violence in our schools? “How should we wage the ‘War on Terror’? or “What is good national immigration policy?” “Wicked problems,” by…

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