Artificial Intelligence Poised to Improve Lives of People With Disabilities

By Shari Trewin, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and Chair, Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing (SIGACCESS)Are you looking forward to a future filled with smart cognitive systems? Does artificial intelligence sound too much like Big Brother? For many of us, these technologies promise more freedom, not less. One of the distinctive features of cognitive systems is the ability to engage with us, and the world, in more human-like ways. Through advances in machine learning, cognitive systems are rapidly improving their ability to see, to hear, and to interact with humans using natural language and gesture. In the process, they also become more able to support people with disabilities and the growing aging population. The World Health Organization estimates that 15 percent of the global population lives with some form of disability. By 2050, people aged 60 and older will account for 22 percent of the world’s population, with age-related impairments likely to increase as a result. I’m cautiously optimistic that by the time I need it, my car will be a trusted independent driver. Imagine the difference it will make for those who cannot drive to be able to accept any invitation, or any job…

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