Australian Fintech Opens up Vast Opportunities for ICT Companies in Security, Cloud, Managed …

SYDNEY, May 23, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Australia’s development as a leader in Fintech innovation will require concerted effort from government agencies and established financial institutions and will involve partnerships and research collaboration between banks and startups. It will also present many diverse and lucrative growth and development opportunities for ICT companies that will help form the necessary ecosystem for a leading Fintech market.Data and connection security will be the most significant challenge for Fintech companies in Australia; largely because mobile payments make up the majority of the revenues of all the Fintech segments. Reliable security will be a key issue and an important selling point to ensure success as this will allow Fintechs to build consumer trust in order to grow and compete with established institutions. Australian Fintechs need to partner…

Link to Full Article: Australian Fintech Opens up Vast Opportunities for ICT Companies in Security, Cloud, Managed …

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