bayesian logistic regression – slicesample – finding Machine learning parameters

since I have problems with separation for logistic regression I would like to use bayesian logistic regression I follow this script bayesian logistic regression However it is for 1D and my problem has 4 features, not 1. I run into problems where the slicesample function is used, and I can’t solve the error message “INITIAL is not in the domain of the target distribution.” I tried different initial, but somehow my posterior distribution “post” is always zero. Did I define it wrong? Shall I use another distribution than the binomial one? Or maybe I made something wrong for “logitp” and its use in “post”. I feed in a matrix “featAdd1s”, while in the link mentioned above, a vector “weight” is used. Any help highly appreciated. I attached the GT.mat needed…

Link to Full Article: bayesian logistic regression – slicesample – finding Machine learning parameters

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