CaptionBot: Microsoft’s new AI can describe what’s in your pictures

Microsoft has developed a new artificial intelligence (AI) system capable of analysing and describing pictures automatically. The program, now available to try on the company’s website, has been named CaptionBot by the Microsoft Cognitive Services team, and it works surprisingly well. Users can upload any image to CaptionBot and have it return a description in seconds. It manages this by using image and face analysing programs, as well as a language processor which returns descriptions in understandable English. The program isn’t entirely spot-on all the time, but it’s generally close enough to be impressive. CaptionBot is similar to previous Microsoft AI programs, like ‘How Old Do I Look?’ and ‘What Dog?’, both of which used similar technology. Image captioning software is nothing new, but the way Microsoft has made the program public…

Link to Full Article: CaptionBot: Microsoft’s new AI can describe what’s in your pictures

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