Could artificial intelligence disrupt the photography world?

Image: Ant Pruitt Scroll through some of the recent stories found on TechRepublic and you’ll see the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) mentioned on several occasions. AI isn’t something widely seen in action today, but the reality of its becoming more common is definitely on the lips and text editors of technologists. Can AI disrupt the world of photography? Will it eventually replace human input when it comes to processing photos? Anything is possible, but I truly doubt it. What’s happening with AI and photography? In a recent blog post, a team at Google shared how its deep learning technology has been able to produce “professional quality” photo editing for a batch of landscape photos. In blind testing, pro photographers rated up to 40% of the images edited by AI as semi-pro or pro level quality. Quite frankly, some of the images published were quite nice, but is this enough to disrupt the world of photography? I don’t think so. Disrupt the world of photography editing? Well it could be useful, but not disruptive. Allow me to explain. SEE: The practical applications of AI: 6 videos (TechRepublic) AI versus the photographer on set Let’s think of a scenario that a…

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