Cynthia Holcomb: Embrace the Neuroscience of Preference for Better DX

Cynthia Holcomb is determined to rethink everything we know about sales conversions. The traditional methods of conducting user surveys, analyzing market research and relying on tried-and-true retail methods won’t move the needle enough, she contends. Holcomb feels this area is overdue for a major rethink, which she offers up with the “art and science of preference.” The culmination of this work is represented in the company she founded, Prefeye — aka Preference Science Technologies. Blending Science, Human Decision-Making It’s based on the theory that neuroscience and an understanding of human decision-making can give retailers a much deeper level of insight into buying practices and help them more deeply understand the wants of their customers. For example, Holcomb argues that most product choices are categorized based on a decision tree. The goal…

Link to Full Article: Cynthia Holcomb: Embrace the Neuroscience of Preference for Better DX

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