Decisions! Decisions! Brain study shows there’s more than meets the eye when making choices

Montreal, Quebec—If you’re pondering whether to buy a Galaxy smartphone or an iPhone this holiday season, a part of the brain called the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (PFC) might ultimately determine your choice. Results of a new study by Avinash Vaidya and Dr. Lesley Fellows, researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro), suggest that this region of the brain plays a critical role in making choices. “A big question is how and where value information is represented in the brain, and what goes into that representation,” says Dr. Fellows, a neurologist and researcher in the burgeoning field of decision neuroscience. “Our research confirmed what savvy marketers already know: the longer you look at one of two objects, the more likely you’ll choose that object even if you initially…

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