Elon Musk says the future of AI is in linking it to our brains

Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and Tesla, speaking inside a Tesla factory. Image: Y COMBINATOR  By Adario Strange2016-09-17 19:53:18 UTC Following the accidental explosion at SpaceX on Sept. 1, company founder Elon Musk has been relatively quiet. But an interview posted this week gives us more insight into his thoughts on one of his favorite topics: artificial intelligence.  Speaking with Y Combinator president Sam Altman, Musk addressed a number of topics while seated in front of the assembly line of his other forward-looking company, Tesla.  And while he’s become known in recent years for being outspoken on the dangers of AI and, to some, painting science fiction-level scenarios that may not be viable for some time, in this talk he offers a different scenario regarding the Singularity.  “If we…

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