Exploring the past, present and future of AI with Engadget

Even though it seems like the tech industry is all-in on this whole AI thing, it’s not really that cut and dry. Google is pumping tons of money into research and services, while working on a kill switch to keep the machines from rising up and investigating the more mundane dangers of AI. Then there are titans of the industry like Elon Musk, who has invested in the technology while simultaneously warning us that we’re “summoning the demon.” Musk is hardly alone. Plenty of major players and thinkers in the world of technology have warned of the dangers of AI, including Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking. But not every vision of the future is so apocalyptic. Theorists like Ray Kurzweil envision a world where machines don’t wipe humans out, but…

Link to Full Article: Exploring the past, present and future of AI with Engadget

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