Facebook ‘will automatically warn parents if they share pictures of their children with the public by …

Parents uploading photographs of their children to Facebook will in the future get a warning if their image is about to be seen by the general public, the social network’s engineering boss has revealed. It is part of what Jay Parikh, Facebook’s vice president of Engineering, called “a 10-year arc of innovation”, which also includes the possibility of patients virtually visiting their GP using a 3D digital headset. About 2 billion photographs are uploaded to Facebook every day and Mr Parikh said advances in artificial intelligence and deep learning mean in future the system can better analyse the content of these images. It will then alert users if photos of family members are about to be made public, and also make it easier for Facebook to remove “objectionable content” automatically,…

Link to Full Article: Facebook ‘will automatically warn parents if they share pictures of their children with the public by …

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