Feedzai and Google DeepMind Scientists use Deep Learning to Extend Research in Natural …

Feedzai and Google DeepMind Scientists Use Deep Learning to Extend Research in Natural Language Processing Feedzai data scientist Luís Marujo recently co-authored a new paper with Wang Ling from Google DeepMind, Chris Dyer from Carnegie Mellon University, Alan W. Black also from Carnegie Mellon University and Isabel Trancoso from Instituto Superior Técnico. This paper has been received well and is published by MIT Press Journals: (http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1162/COLI_a_00249) In this blog we interview Luís Marujo on what his research is about and get his perspectives on the fast emerging machine learning branch called ‘deep learning’.  Q. What do you do at Feedzai? I work as a data scientist in the Feedzai Research team, where my overarching goal is to develop applied scientific research. The major difference between this kind of research and…

Link to Full Article: Feedzai and Google DeepMind Scientists use Deep Learning to Extend Research in Natural …

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