Fraud with Problems: Ravelin boss Martin Sweeney talks Hailo, fake credit cards and machine …

There’s a real tension at the heart of fraud detection: if you want to stop online fraud, just switch everything off.” Martin Sweeney is, of course, being facetious. But fraud, he impresses, has become an accepted fact of the on-demand economy. “We as consumers are accepting that most of the things we buy have a premium of one or two per cent built in.” Sweeney is a former Hailo engineer who took what he had learnt about payments at the taxi hailing app to start his own fraud detection platform, Ravelin, in 2014. He admits that there were far better software engineers, and he took on Hailo’s payments because no-one else had wanted to. “I see this with a lot of startups. You may know almost nothing about an area, but…

Link to Full Article: Fraud with Problems: Ravelin boss Martin Sweeney talks Hailo, fake credit cards and machine …

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