Genpact, Amrita University join hands to prepare data scientists

IANS  |  New Delhi  August 31, 2016 Last Updated at 15:48 IST Copy tiny URL to save and share articles. The global business process management company Genpacton Wednesday announced a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Coimbatore-based Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University) for preparing data scientists. Aimed to develop industry-oriented knowledge and skills in analytics through guest lectures and workshops, the collaboration will help students gain thorough knowledge and exposure to real business challenges. “The partnership will help us build a sustainable talent pool in niche analytics areas. We envision helping young professionals build a deeper appreciation of analytical tools and their application in an increasingly data-driven and technologically-connected world,” said Sudhanshu Singh, COO, Analytics and Research, Genpact, in a statement. Besides working with experts on solutions to analytics business…

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