Google announces RAISR, a method of upscaling images with machine learning

You probably know as well as I do that the internet is littered with low-resolution images, either a limitation of a device’s camera or purposely-downgraded for faster loading on slow connections. Unfortunately, enlarging an image many times over while still preserving detail is something only possible in episodes of CSI. But thanks to the magic of machine learning, Google has been developing a solution – RAISR, short for Rapid and Accurate Image Super-Resolution. Existing methods of upsampling (generating a larger image from a smaller one) use simple algorithms to fill in detail with values from surrounding pixels. Most of these methods result in a blurry image that loses the fine details of the original image. Left: Original image, Right: Bicubic upsampled version That’s where RAISR comes in. Essentially, Google trains RAISR on 10,000…

Link to Full Article: Google announces RAISR, a method of upscaling images with machine learning

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