Google Announces TensorFlow, an Open-source Machine Learning Endeavor

Google seemingly has a hand in everything, even machine learning. On Monday, Nov. 9, 2015 Google debuted TensorFlow, a machine learning system. It’s capable of being utilized on everything from smartphones to massive server farms, but the news transcends is bigger than simply a machine- earning platform: it’s open-source. Making TensorFlow open-source broadens the software’s reach to a multitude of developers and creators. Google as a company has recently embraced machine learning. A core feature of the Google app on mobile devices is the “Ok Google,” functionality. Maybe you won’t be asking Google to open the pod bay doors any time soon, but the trend of machine learning is rapidly expanding, with mobile offerings such as Siri, Cortana, and “Ok Google,” to Project Oxford’s AI endeavor, Check out the…

Link to Full Article: Google Announces TensorFlow, an Open-source Machine Learning Endeavor

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