Google Has Open Sourced SyntaxNet, Its AI for Understanding Language

If you tell Siri to set an alarm for 5 am, she’ll set an alarm for 5 am. But if you start asking her which prescription pain killer is least likely to upset your stomach, she’s not really gonna know what to do—just because that’s a pretty complicated sentence. Siri is a long way from what computer scientists call “natural language understanding.” She can’t truly understand the natural way we humans talk—despite the way Apple portrays her in all those TV ads. In fact, we shouldn’t really be talking about her as a “her” at all. Siri’s personhood is a marketing fiction concocted by Apple—and not a very convincing one, at that. Related Stories Google Just Open Sourced TensorFlow, Its Artificial Intelligence Engine Facebook Open Sources Its AI Hardware as…

Link to Full Article: Google Has Open Sourced SyntaxNet, Its AI for Understanding Language

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