Google is turning Street View imagery into pro-level landscape photographs using artificial …

Google’s newest AI experiments turns Street View imagery from Google Maps into stunning landscape photographs. Google A new experiment from Google is turning imagery from the company’s Street View service into impressive digital photographs using nothing but artificial intelligence (AI). Google is using machine learning algorithms to train a deep neural network to roam around places such as Canada’s and California’s national parks, look for potentially suitable landscape images, and then work on them with special post-processing techniques. The idea is to “mimic the workflow of a professional photographer,” and to do so Google is relying on so-called generative adversarial networks (GAN), which essentially pit two neural networks against one another. With this Google experiment, the first, “generative” model tries to fix a picture that has previously been messed with on purpose (with things like brightness and contrast changed at random), while the “discriminative” one analyses and compares the original (messed) shot and the fixed one. The model scans a Street View landscape (a), crops it (b), tweaks the lighting (c), and ultimately applies Google’s “dramatic mask” (d). Google The result is a software that is able to understand the principles of good photography (like, for instance, not oversaturating colours),…

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