Google open sources Parsey McParseface, so machines can speak English

Parsey McParseface might seem like it is made by a raging teenager. However, this nomenclature format has emerged from the hivemind. The name “Boaty McBoatface”  recently won an internet poll for naming a sea research vehicle in the UK, and Parsey McParseface follows this format. However trollish the name,  Parsey McParseface addresses one of the fundamental problems of human computer interaction. Understanding speech can be difficult for humans, and it is much more difficult for machines, considering that the objective is to do it fast. McParseface is a parser based on SyntaxNet, a neural network framework. The SyntaxNet framework enables natural language understanding (NLU) in machines. SyntaxNet is implemented on TensorFlow, a software library for machine learning applications. Google recently upgraded TensorFlow with distributed computing technology. Parsey McParseface is a pre-trained parser. This means that Google has…

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