Google to compete with Facebook messenger by releasing an artificial intelligence

Back in January 2014, Google acquired the British artificial intelligence company DeepMind for a reported estimate of US$ 400 million, after hiring futurist and inventor Ray Kurzweil and acquiring eight robotics firms in the year prior. As per latest off-the-record information, Google is heading towards launching a new mobile based messenger service underpinned by artificial intelligence. An article published in Wall Street Journal reads as: For its new service, Google, a unit of Alphabet Inc., plans to integrate chatbots, software programs that answer questions inside a messaging app. On a similar note, Google’s vice president of communications, Nick Fox has been putting every effort to come up with a team to develop this new concept. Upon its performance, no such update has been provided but yet WJS article reads, “instead…

Link to Full Article: Google to compete with Facebook messenger by releasing an artificial intelligence

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