Google uses DeepMind AI to reduce energy use at data centers and save money

One of Google’s data centers. Image: Google/Connie Zhou Google recently leveraged its DeepMind artificial intelligence (AI) system to save some money on its energy bills. According to DeepMind co-founder Demis Hassabis, DeepMind has been put to work in Google’s data centers and made them more efficient. Originally reported by Bloomberg, DeepMind helped lower power consumption by “manipulating computer servers and related equipment like cooling systems.” Hassabis said that it accomplished this by using some of the same techniques it used when DeepMind learned to play Atari games back in February 2015, by digesting data and finding patterns that it can utilize. When all was said and done, the system’s power usage efficiency (PUE) improved by 15%. It’s important to note that PUE measures the power consumption of computing equipment, independent…

Link to Full Article: Google uses DeepMind AI to reduce energy use at data centers and save money

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