Google’s AI Learned to Recognize Objects After One Glance

Humans don’t need to look at thousands of pictures of Golden Retrievers to recognize one when they see it at the dog park. Computers don’t have that ability: Teaching A.I. how to categorize dogs, toys, and other things requires showing them many images depicting those objects. At least it did — now Google’s DeepMind has made a breakthrough that allows A.I. to figure out what an object is after viewing just a single picture of it. This ability is called one-shot learning. It’s supposed to help A.I. see the world much like we do, and give them the skills needed to know what a dog is without requiring its creator to find millions of images of them. DeepMind still doesn’t learn exactly like we do — those capabilities are still…

Link to Full Article: Google’s AI Learned to Recognize Objects After One Glance

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