Google’s DeepMind Takes On A Bigger Challenge: Can AI Be Tuned To Beat Humans In ‘StarCraft …

Advertisement AlphaGo, the artificial intelligence program powered by Google’s DeepMind, defeated South Korean world Go champion Lee Sedol convincingly with a 4-1 score earlier in the year. It seems that DeepMind is now moving on to a bigger challenge, going from an ancient board game into a modern strategy video game. StarCraft II As An AI At the ongoing BlizzCon 2016, Blizzard and Google announced a collaboration to open up StarCraft II as an AI and machine learning environment for researchers around the world. StarCraft II is one of the most fiercely competitive video games that is played professionally, and according to the DeepMind team, it will provide an interesting testing environment for research in AI as it “provides a useful bridge to the messiness of the real-world.” “The skills required for an agent to…

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