Google’s Parsey McParseface helps machines understand English almost as well as humans

By Stan Schroeder2016-05-12 19:00:22 UTC Understanding human language is easy for humans — not so for machines. Making them understand human sentences is one of the biggest challenges in today’s field of artificial intelligence (AI).  Now, Google has open sourced its new English language parsing model, called Parsey McParseface (yes, really), which helps a computer understand human language with an amazing degree of accuracy.  The process of parsing is analyzing a sentence according to grammar rules, and figuring out what it really means. Parsey McParseface is just the parser (Google tells us it had a problem figuring a good name, and then someone came up with that. We see a worrying trend here), a part of an open-source neural network framework called SyntaxNet.  The system uses neural networks (remember, that’s…

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