Google’s Project Magenta, Redfin open-sources React Server, and Nokia to…

One of Google’s latest projects is the Magenta project, an effort to generate music, video and images using machine intelligence. It’s also an open-source library for machine learning, part of the Google Brain team, using TensorFlow. The big question Project Magenta tries to answer is, “Can machines make music and art?” If this is possible, the Google team wants to learn how, and if it cannot, they want to know why. Douglas Eck, one of the research scientists working on Magenta, wrote that before Magenta, he worked on music search and recommendation for Google Play Music. His goal in this area was to “use machine learning and an audio signal processing to help listeners find the music they want when they want it.” The group behind Magenta will look at…

Link to Full Article: Google’s Project Magenta, Redfin open-sources React Server, and Nokia to…

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