Google’s quantum computer can blitz a normal PC – but it’s not ready for production just yet

Google says its D-Wave 2X quantum computer is more than 100 million times faster than a conventional PC. Google has put its machine-learning capabilities with great effect into apps such as Google Photos and Autofill and, of course, has some of the world’s largest and smartest datacenters. Yet all its computational power isn’t good enough for the firm’s machine-learning and artificial-intelligence ambitions of the future, to aid everything from search to its health-focused businesses. Google’s Quantum AI Lab shacked up with NASA and recently acquired the D-Wave 2X, described as the first quantum computer, which features a 1,000-qubit quantum processor supposedly capable of chewing through a mind-blowing number of possibilities when problem solving. There has been some scepticism about the D-Wave 2X’s capabilities, but Google’s Hartmut Neven, head of the…

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