Grey Matters International, Inc.: Offering “customized”neurotechnology-based private behavior …

Dr. Kevin J. Fleming, BA, MA, PhD from the prestigious University of Notre Dame, is one of the youngest graduate PhD students in their counseling/clinical psychology program. After furthering his Postdoctoral Residency training in neuroscience and behavioral medicine and a short stint in clinical neuropsychology, he was recruited to go into a start-up company as the Director of Training and Development for a health behavior change company that contracted with both government and corporate entities on devising neuroscience-centric strategies on changing irrational behavior and latent psychopathology. Kevin then launched his current company Grey Matters International, Inc. which devises “customized”neurotechnology-based private behavior change work around human nature issues that seem to defy rational means of influence—be it addiction, relationship oriented, or other complicated emotional factors resulting from at-risk decisions of the celebrity…

Link to Full Article: Grey Matters International, Inc.: Offering “customized”neurotechnology-based private behavior …

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