How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Health care

Machine learning is being used to help doctors understand patients’ outcomes. IBM’s Watson Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the ability to make a diagnosis, apps can track and monitor patient emergencies, our phones may soon be our closest medical advisors; preventative and diagnostic medicine is on the cusp of an artificial intelligence revolution that will no doubt save lives and improve quality of human life. While there is a great deal of promise in these new technologies, there is tension between innovation and regulation. When it comes to our health, should decisions be made by machines? What role should artificial intelligence play in healthcare? There is a passionate community of professionals that have a long term vision of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM). The AIM community has long held the belief that computation, knowledge of presentation, automated diagnosis and planning technologies will have rich offerings for the healthcare field. The ability to capture and analyze data as well as provide access to the best medical expertise on the planet and render it for individual physicians in particular cases makes AI very promising. These technologies can be utilized in a variety of health care-related applications. One of the most promising areas related…

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