How Facebook’s Ad Tech Helped Lead To The New Era Of Machine Learning

“It cannot yet invent a new AI algorithm …. But who knows, down the road …” In 2011, an entrepreneur named Jeff Hammerbacher summed up the dystopian malaise many people in the tech industry felt about the state of Web and mobile innovation. “The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click on ads,” Hammerbacher, an early Facebook employee and co-founder of Cloudera, said in an interview with BusinessWeek. As it turns out, maybe that was not such a bad thing. To serve more precise ads at targeted audience, engineers and programmers needed to build smarter systems that aggregated massive quantities of data. Sophisticated algorithms were created, application programming interfaces were built to truck data around the Internet and massive server complexes were constructed to…

Link to Full Article: How Facebook’s Ad Tech Helped Lead To The New Era Of Machine Learning

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