How ‘robo recruiters’ could affect your job prospects

How ‘robo recruiters’ could affect your job prospects By Padraig Belton Technology of Business reporter 27 May 2016 From the section Business Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Meet the new head of human resources… Next time you apply for a job, it could be a computer algorithm deciding whether or not you fit the bill.This is because clever, self-learning programs are getting better than human recruiters at analysing vast amounts of data gleaned from application forms, CVs (curricula vitae or resumes), and social media profiles.Not only can they see if your credentials match the basic requirements of the job description, they can identify personality traits from the way you’ve expressed yourself on paper and online.These algorithms try “to automate the 20-to-50 things the best recruiters do consciously or unconsciously”…

Link to Full Article: How ‘robo recruiters’ could affect your job prospects

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