‘I’m concerned about automation replacing jobs’

interview | D.J. Patil Industry Peerzada Abrar July 23, 2017 21:46 IST Updated: July 23, 2017 21:52 IST “; var device = “”; for ( var type in WFClientTypeDef) { if (window.matchMedia(WFClientTypeDef[type]).matches) { switch (type) { case “xlarge”: device = ‘desktop’; break; case “large”: device = ‘desktop’; break; case “medium”: device = ‘tab’; break; case “small”: device = ‘mobile’; break; } break; } } var writeOnDocument = true; var skipOnDeviceValue = “[medium, small]”; var noSkipOnDevice = skipOnDeviceValue.length > 0; if(noSkipOnDevice) { if (skipOnDeviceValue.indexOf(“large”) > -1 && ‘desktop’ == device) { writeOnDocument = false; } if (skipOnDeviceValue.indexOf(“medium”) > -1 && ‘tab’ == device) { writeOnDocument = false; } if (skipOnDeviceValue.indexOf(“small”) > -1 && ‘mobile’ == device) { writeOnDocument = false; } } if(writeOnDocument) { d.write(adcode); } }(document); India needs to be very concerned about cyber security and fake news as the country heads for the next elections, says former U.S. chief data scientist D.J. Patil. He says that the democratic process in the U.S. as well as countries like France faced cyberattacks aimed at stealing information and propagating fake news on social media to impact elections. At an event in Bengaluru, the first chief data scientist to the U.S. Government, appointed…

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