JetBrains releases YouTrack 7.0, tech leaders form Partnership of AI, and PostgreSQL 9.6 released …

JetBrains has officially released the stable version of YouTrack 7.0, complete with new features to help a team perform its daily activities. This release also focuses on reworking the Agile Board and expanding backlog functionality. With the Agile Board update, developers can now add customized issues, set visibility, and estimate their tasks without having to leave the board. Changes were made to sprints, which are no longer linked to fix versions. This lets developers manage their Sprints and fix versions independently, wrote product marketing manager Natasha Katson in a JetBrains blog post. Another important feature is the Gantt Chart, which helps developers plan project tasks on a timeline. They can follow their progress to track their project, and review issues from multiple projects. Developers can also prioritize which issues are…

Link to Full Article: JetBrains releases YouTrack 7.0, tech leaders form Partnership of AI, and PostgreSQL 9.6 released …

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