Kill or Be Killed: Driverless Cars and the Ethical Trolley

As per statistics from the World Health Organization, 1.2 million lives are lost each year to car accidents. Reckless driving, drunken driving and underaged driving are responsible for so many deaths worldwide. According to Google, by eliminating the human factor in driving, road accidents can be reduced by as much as a half through the use of autonomous vehicles. However, eliminating the human factor from road transport may also have some really serious and previously unprecedented consequences to public life. Picture this. You are comfortably seated in your driverless car, which is running at 75 kilometers an hour. Suddenly, a band of horny cheerleaders swinging pink pom-poms stroll into the street. The car is running too fast to break. The only way of saving these cheerleaders is to crash into…

Link to Full Article: Kill or Be Killed: Driverless Cars and the Ethical Trolley

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